Mastering the Art of Code Review in Salesforce


Embarking on the realm of Salesforce development is akin to navigating uncharted waters, and at the heart of this journey lies the art of code review. Similar to a musician refining their sense of rhythm, developers cultivate a ‘sense of code,’ a crucial skill that evolves with every pull request. In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the intricacies of code review, exploring its significance and providing a detailed roadmap to mastering this essential aspect of software development within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Attributes of Code Quality Explored:

1. Readability:

Consider the code as a story – a narrative that should be easily comprehensible. To achieve this, adopt clear formatting and choose expressive names for variables and functions. Let’s take a closer look at how readability enhances code:

// Poorly Readable

int x = 10;
// Improved Readability
int userCount = 10;

2. Clarity:

While readability ensures the code can be deciphered, clarity ensures it’s easily understood. This involves avoiding complex mixtures of low-level and high-level operations. A simple example illustrates the importance of code clarity:

// Mixed Abstractions

for (Integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// High-level logic

3. Reliability:

Reliable code is like a well-maintained car that anticipates and handles errors gracefully. Robust error handling and thorough testing contribute to code reliability.

4. Reusability and Extensibility:

Think of your code as modular Lego blocks – reusable and ready for expansion. Utilize object-oriented principles to create code that is both reusable and extensible:

// Non-Reusable

void processOrder() {
// Processing logic
// Reusable
class OrderProcessor {
void processOrder() {
// Processing logic

5. Testability:

Writing code that is easy to test is like building a Lego structure that can be easily checked for stability. Adopt Test-Driven Development (TDD) principles to ensure your code is testable:

// Code Without Testability

void complexLogic() {
// Complex logic
// Testable Code
void complexLogic() {
// Complex logic with associated tests

6. Maintainability:

Code should be like a well-kept garden – easy to tend and recover after storms. Adequate logging and resilient error-handling contribute to code maintainability:

// Inadequate Error Handling

try {
// Risky operation
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle error
// Improved Maintainability
try {
// Risky operation with comprehensive error handling
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle error gracefully

7. Efficiency and Performance:

Efficient code is like a high-performance car, optimized for speed. Always consider performance implications, even if the project’s requirements don’t explicitly demand it:

// Suboptimal Performance

for (Account acc : accounts) {
// Time-consuming operation
// Optimized Performance
List<Account> updatedAccounts = new List<Account>();
for (Account acc : accounts) {
// Optimize operation for better performance

7. Security:

Code should be a fortress, protecting against potential attacks. Leverage Salesforce’s security tools and adhere to best practices to ensure a robust defense:

// Insecure Code

String userInput = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('input');

// Secure Code
String userInput = EncodingUtil.urlDecode(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('input'), 'UTF-8');

Code Review Process Tips Unveiled:

  1. Requirements: Before delving into code review, understand the business goals the code is meant to achieve. This is akin to understanding the purpose of a recipe before scrutinizing its steps.
  2. Ready Solutions: Explore existing solutions before embarking on new code creations. Utilize Salesforce’s extensive functionality, AppExchange packages, and open-source solutions available on platforms like GitHub.
  3. Design and Architecture: Analyze the structure of new components, emphasizing clarity, reusability, extensibility, and testability. Follow SOLID principles and design patterns, especially crucial for projects with managed packages.
  4. Implementation: The meticulous stage of code review where attention to detail is paramount. Scrutinize every line of code, ensuring it aligns with identified quality attributes.
  5. Pull Request Comments: Clear and constructive comments enhance the code review process. Encourage a dialogue between reviewers and submitters, fostering a collaborative environment.
  6. Time: Break down large code submissions to streamline the review process. Versioning systems can facilitate incremental reviews, saving time for both reviewers and developers.
  7. Code Analysis Tools: Leverage automated code analysis tools such as Salesforce Graph Engine and emerging AI-powered tools. They act as virtual assistants, ensuring code meets quality standards.


Mastering code review is a journey where developers refine their craftsmanship. By prioritizing readability, reliability, and security, developers contribute to creating software that stands the test of time. Employ these tips as your compass through the code review process, navigating the intricacies of Salesforce development with finesse.

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